新加坡国立大学Chou Siaw Kiang教授受聘为我校兼职教授
发布日期:2013-04-25 阅读次数:
2013年4月22日下午,新加坡国立大学Chou Siaw Kiang兼职教授聘任仪式在主楼317会议室隆重举行。管理与经济学院院长魏一鸣教授,分党委书记李金林教授,九游会在线注册,(中国)科技公司管理与经济学院和新加坡国立大学部分教师代表参加了聘任仪式。管理与经济学院副院长王兆华教授主持了兼职教授聘任仪式。
Chou Siaw Kiang教授简介:
Dr.Chou Siaw Kiang (S.K. Chou) is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and jointly appointed as Executive Director of Energy Studies Institute at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He chairs the Advisory Committee of the School of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering and is member of the Board of Governors of Singapore Polytechnic. He is President of the Institution of Engineers (IES), Singapore. He chairs the Technical Evaluation Panel on the Grant for Energy Efficiency Technology (GREET) of the National Environment Agency, Singapore. He is Chairman of the Advisory Board of the ASEAN Plan of Action on Science and Technology and is member of the International Advisory Board of the APEC Center for Technology Fore-sighting. Professor Chou is presently Associate Editor of Applied Energy, Chairman of the International Editorial Board of Asian Journal on Energy & Environment and serves on the editorial boards of a number of other energy-related journals. He was the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS, from 1998 to 2003, and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, NUS, from 2003 to 2008.